Over the past few decades, the number of active ski resorts in the United States has drastically declined. Since the number of skiers and snowboarders has stayed relatively consistent over the years, this means two things.
The mountains are more crowded. The same number of people are sharing fewer ski resorts. This translates to more congested trails and longer lift lines.
The mountains can charge more for lift tickets. Since the demand for skiing and riding has remained stable but the supply of resorts has dropped, mountains have the ability to charge more.
Why has this happened, and what does it mean for you? For the past several years, consolidation has been the trend in the industry. There are a handful of very large companies that are buying up these resorts. This consolidation has made it difficult for some mountains to compete, forcing many of them to close. In New England alone, several major mountains have fallen victim to this in the recent past, including Ascutney, Saddleback, and Tenney, just to name a few. For the average skier, these closures have translated to higher single day lift ticket prices.
No Boundaries was created to combat this trend. We want to help make skiing and riding affordable for the masses again. Make sure you become a member (for free!) so you can take advantage of our unbelievable lift ticket deals this season, which will be announced soon. The more you help us spread the word, the bigger impact we can have!