Mountains across northern New England started making snow this week, foreshadowing what we hope is a great season. We’ll be announcing our lift ticket dates and deals for this upcoming season very soon (make sure to become a member if you haven’t already!) but for those of you who have the itch, the ski season officially starts tomorrow. Here’s everything you need to know:

Opening Friday 10/19 for season pass holders only
Opens Saturday 10/20 to the general public
Adult lift ticket prices are $59
Sunday River

Opening Friday 10/19 to the general public
Lift ticket prices are $30 for all ages
Will stay open through Sunday 10/21 and then close midweek

Began making snow on 2 trails
No opening date announced, but they plan to open as soon as possible
Mount Snow

Began making snow on 4 trails
No opening date announced, but will not be open this weekend